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Masonry & Hardscaping Safety Training

On Tuesday, February 25 Penn Stone hosts Safety Training Day, with two presentations to improve jobsite safety for masonry and hardscaping contractors:

  • At 9:30am, Daniel Herrman, DPT, OCS, of Hartz Physical Therapy will review
    basic lifting mechanics to prevent injury, different types of lifts, as well as some advice on exercises or stretches to prevent injury
  • At 10:15am,  Brian Sterner will discuss practical approaches to silica safety, including an update on OSHA enforcement of the Respirable Crystalline Silica Standard

This seminar is free to attend. Complimentary refreshments will be provided.

penn stone presents a safe lifting seminar on february 25

Event Details

February 25, 2020

9:30 am - 11:00 am


Ah, you missed it!

This event is over now, but don't worry—we always have new ones coming up in the future!

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